A smiling woman in a white bathrobe and with a towel rolled up over her head, sitting on a bed and waving at an iPad that she is holding in her other hand. She seems to be engaged in a video chat or virtual interaction. The bedroom is bright with soft lights in the background.

Instant messaging: no more lines and calls in hotels

In a world where efficiency and convenience have become paramount, the hotel industry faces an urgent need to modernize its communication methods. While phone calls and line ups have long been the norm, they are now seen as outdated and ineffective. Instant messaging systems, like those put forward by SUNVER, are transforming this dynamic. They offer a faster, more personalized, and more direct solution for interactions between guests and the hotel. This article takes an in-depth look at how messaging is changing customer interaction and optimizing hotel management, highlighting relevant statistics, case studies, and user stories.


October 16, 2024


4 min of reading

The Old Model: Phone Calls and Queues

Historically, communication in hotels has relied on phone calls and in-person interactions at the front desk. These traditional methods, while familiar, are marked by significant inefficiencies. Customers, after a long trip or an exhausting day, often find themselves waiting to talk to a receptionist or waiting in line for basic services. These waiting times can be a source of frustration, negatively impacting the overall customer experience. Additionally, this approach puts considerable pressure on front desk staff, who are often overwhelmed by simultaneous requests and constant calls.

The Rise of Messaging in the Hotel Industry

The emergence of instant messaging in the hotel sector marks a break with these traditional methods. Hotels, by adopting advanced technological solutions such as those offered by SUNVER, now allow customers to communicate their needs via simple text messages. This approach not only reduces waiting times, but also provides greater discretion and flexibility. Guests can send messages anytime and from any location, whether from their room, on the go, or even before they arrive at the hotel. This ease of access and responsiveness contribute greatly to an improved customer experience and a positive perception of the establishment.

Market Statistics and Trends

The popularity and effectiveness of messaging in the hospitality industry are supported by market data and observed trends. According to extensive research conducted by industry organizations, an overwhelming majority of modern customers show a marked preference for digital interactions over traditional methods. These studies highlight a significant reduction in waiting times and a significant increase in customer satisfaction when hotels adopt messaging solutions. For example, a hotel that has integrated an instant messaging platform reports a 50% decrease in calls to the front desk, freeing up staff for more complex tasks and improving operational efficiency.

Improving the Customer Experience

Instant messaging transcends the traditional barriers of hotel communication. By offering a more seamless and personalized customer experience, hotels can not only meet the immediate needs of customers, but also anticipate their future demands. Messaging allows for more personal and less formal interaction, thus strengthening the bond between the customer and the hotel. Customers feel more comfortable expressing particular preferences, reporting problems, or asking for local recommendations, knowing they will receive a quick and detailed response. This digital proximity creates a sense of care and attention that is essential for customer loyalty.

Optimizing Hotel Management

On the management side, instant messaging brings substantial improvements. Hotel managers can track communications with customers in a more organized and efficient manner. Messaging systems, with features such as message classification, automated responses, and conversation history, allow for more strategic management of customer queries. This centralization of communications improves coordination within the team, allowing for faster response to requests and better emergency management. As a result, the overall customer experience is improved, and operational efficiency is optimized.

Workload and Cost Reduction

The adoption of messaging in the hotel industry also has a positive impact on staff workload and operational costs. By reducing the number of phone calls and minimizing lines, staff can focus on more productive tasks and improving the in-person customer experience. This increased efficiency can lead to a reduction in personnel costs, especially in terms of training and human resources management. Additionally, with better customer satisfaction, hotels can see increased revenue as happy customers are more likely to return and recommend the property to others.

Challenges and Solutions

Although promising, the implementation of messaging in the hotel industry is not without challenges. One of the main obstacles is the adaptation of staff and customers to this new form of communication. Staff training is crucial to ensure effective use of the messaging system. Hotels also need to ensure that their messaging platform is intuitive and easy to use for all customers, regardless of how familiar they are with technology. In addition, maintaining a high level of data security and confidentiality is imperative, as email systems often handle sensitive personal information.


In conclusion, instant messaging represents a major turning point in the way hotels interact with their customers. By offering a fast, personal, and effective solution to replace phone calls and lines, hotels can dramatically improve the customer experience and optimize their management. Platforms like those developed by SUNVER illustrate how technology can be used to meet modern customer expectations while improving hotel operations. Continuing this trend and integrating it into other aspects of the hotel experience will undoubtedly mark the future of the industry.

Keywords: Hotel Guest App, Camping Guest App, Independent Hotel Guest App, Independent Hotel, Guest App, Tourist Hotel App, Camping Application, Hotel Digitalization, Digital Room Service, Digital Room Service, Hotel Customer Feedback, Hotel Customer Feedback, Staff Shortage.

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Article written by:

Nathan Assouline

Co-founder of Sunver

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